Open call for Speakers and Artists
In 2020, when our collective Illuminatetheatre celebrates five years of boundless creativity, we introduce to you “Art Mobile Lagos”. A cultural event in Lagos, Nigeria where the community, Artists, and scholars are invited to talk and show their works to the public. There will be artistic intervention popping up in different public spaces. In the spaces, we will organize symposiums, exhibitions, performances workshops, and film screenings.
Our theme for the call is titled Soji which was adapted from the Nigerian slang “Wake-up” as used by daily commuters on the streets of Lagos. The cosmopolitan megacity with her energetic vibes gives birth to such provocative words that inspire her inhabitants to survive her daily hustle, bustle, and tussle. On this note, we have decided to meditate on public contemporary history to fabricate awareness on the connection between history, vision, and essence of art in African contemporary society. Taking into consideration how other creatives, artists, and communities are responding to the possibilities, challenges, and sustainability of art in postcolonial communities. Our idea comes from incorporating Hubert Ogunde and Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed which reflects on the political and social realities. We are activating the relative of culture and politics as interpreted by the two artistic pedigrees. The connectivity and influence of both artistic approaches have helped us to develop this new form.

How can we change, relate to each other, or influence the community through the art? How can we influence these relationships in such a way that it fosters the desired change? What is art? What is the purpose of art? How do we sustain it?
Nigeria is the most populous African country. With her massive population and diverse culture, she has produced artists and activists that have influenced the world with outstanding creative works of all genres (such as visual, literary, and performance art). To mention a few, we talk about Wole Soyinka, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, Chinua Achebe, Hubert Ogunde, Bruce Obomeyoma, Chinwe Ifeoma Chukwuoog-Roy amongst a huge list. But in the midst of these great minds exists a constant pestilence that has hindered the progress of a large number of art makers. The lack of necessary support needed to develop and create their works. For this reason, Nigerian art makers mostly depend on international organizations. Sadly, the younger generation of art makers is falling into the same misfortune. Cutting across this pandemic, our symposium desires to bring about change in the approach to the understanding of the sustainability of contemporary African art especially as it affects the community. We believe in the potency of cultural events and the relevance of art in society. That is why we have utilized this machinery which will initiate an interaction between art makers and most importantly the commununity.

Symposium two; De-colonial Intervention in African society
How do we relate to colonial experiences? How can we further expand upon our history prior to all forms of imperialism? How do we efficiently place ourselves and embrace the frequent arrival of civilization? How could we consciously unwind, decolonize, and reconstruct to find a new way of co-existing?
In the quest to explore the enormous experience of the metaphysical catharsis of imperialism in a conscious effort and continuous interaction, this discourse will engage, discuss, observe and initiate memoirs of neglected history by digging into colonial archives. The conversation will reflect on the speculative rhetoric regarding unsustainable privileges and articulate epistemic material in matters, of colonial concern.
In order to illuminate human-induced phenomenons such as repression, racism, organizational and bureaucratic prejudice, marginalization, and stereotyping globally, we shall put on the front line reflective platform to reminisce what affects us.
Our effort will establish whistleblowing to activism and activate a much-needed dialogue about post-colonial Africa with the purpose of interrupting and discontinuing the spread of colonial mentality. We believe such de-colonial interventions are required in order to rationalize post-colonial Africa. Our effort to establish the integration and interaction between international artists and audiences will globally accumulate our effort into an effective stage. It opens up the discourse from a multi-continental perspective and assembles optional possibilities of the sustainability of contemporary African art and communities.
There is no limitation to this call; we are interested in all kinds of art forms. The project was supported by Goethe Institute, Angels and Muse, Crown Troupe of Africa, and the Bariga Artist Forum.
Application Requirements
Motivation letter
Project Idea
Artistic portfolio, Cv
Links of works (if any)
send your information to illuminateuche@gmail.com
Application deadline
June 30th, 2020
Announcement July 20, 2020
Project implementation period October 2020
for more information please send an email to: illuminatetheatre@gmail.com

Uche Enechukwu Emmanuel
Project Manager
+234 813 1089 713
No, 33 Obadiah Street off Community Road Akoka, Yaba. Lagos, Nigeria.